The other night the family went out to dinner with Duan’s parents, my mom, his brother Johnny, Becca and her two kids, Bobby and Reggie.  We went out to Celebrate Duan and Johnny’s Birthdays. Here are some of the pics.  We ate dim sum.  I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.

DJ and Duan
DJ and Duan
Darla and Big Duan
Darla and Big Duan
We all had a really good time.  I just want to wish them both Happy Birthday!

Do know what the best sound is?  Silence!!! I got the two little ones down for a nap, and Kaleah is diligently doing homework.  Okay, so I haven’t been keeping up with this blog.  There has been so much that has happened since Duan and I were married. 

Were should I start, well we were on a very small budget after the wedding.  With the unexpected guests at the reception that took us by surprise, we had to tighten our budget for a week or so. Well at least that was what we thought.  Duan didn’t get paid.  First it was just until Monday, then Monday turned into Friday.  That weekend we wrote checks for gas and food since we fully expected money in the bank on Monday.  Needless to say, our account was left in the negative from the overdraft fees.  On top of our money crunch, Duan’s boss informed him that his job was at risk for lay offs.  Ahhhhhh!   So He’s been looking for something to at least fill the gap if lay offs do happen. 

To make matters worse, I totaled the Cadillac 😦 . Me, Duan and DJ were on our way to the CU/CSU game and traffic just stopped.  We are all okay, its a good thing Duan has a thick skull, since his head cracked the windshield.  Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you we only have liability.  I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying ‘When it rains it pours’, well its definitely pouring over here.  I’m putting this out there for no other reason but to let it go, and move on.

Here are some pics of the big day!

Here I am getting ready for the day.

This is Brooke getting picture perfect!

Kaleah and Auntie Brooke.

Duan getting ready…Look at those arms!!!! (LOL)

Duan’s brother Johnny (his best man), Duan and Seth T

One of the few pics of Kiara's face

One of the few pics of Kiara's face

 Brooke, Me, Anvetta (Duan's sister) and the girls


Our first dance

Our first dance

Father-daughter dance

Father-daughter dance


July 23, 2008

I’m married now!

Posted by KF under Uncategorized
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I am really a married woman now.  I don’t really feel any different, am I supposed to?  Well I hope not.  After 6 years and 3 kids, we were already living a “married” life. On the other hand I never quite understood the significance of the ceremony itself.  Don’t get me wrong I always dreamed of getting married; but since we did things a bit out of order, marriage was more of a legality rather than a union (I felt we had already been united through our commitment and our children).  {sorry for the super run on sentence} Saturday I realized how important it was. 

We had a very simple yet elegant ceremony. I made all of the decorations, including: pew decorations, the arch, and unity candle. Ultimately we focused on making it a very spiritual ceremony rather than one full of glitz and glam.  Anyways like I said before, actually having the ceremony and saying my vows was incredible.  We had so much fun. 

But now, unfortunately, its over ( we only had a 14 hour honeymoon—that’s what happens when you have kids before you get married).  So my tackle for Tackle it Tuesday hosted by 5minutesformomis to get my life back in order. I’ve been so focused on the wedding that I’ve really neglected many areas of the house. I have loads, I mean huge loads of laundry to do. Drawers to organize, and bills to pay. Its very overwhelming, but I guess I have to start some where. I’ve gotten caught up with the bills (which was a headache in itself) and did 5 loads of laundry. Only 7 loads left. Sigh…. I’ll keep you posted.
Much Love, Reneca

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

June 29, 2008

Speechless Sunday

Posted by KF under Uncategorized
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Kaleah and DJ at the zoo.

June 7, 2008

For Real Now!

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Okay, so I’m starting this blog thing for real this time.  I currently am collaborating with my partner in crime Kalish on the Mommy Lounge (check it out).  However, when I tried to get into maintaining my own page…well, lets just say it didn’t work out to well.  So here I am. 

Thankfully, we have many chances to start over (with blogs and with life).  My current theme is… FOR REAL NOW!  It seems that I always make great plans, and always have great ideas but nothing ever flourishes from them.  Why?…..  Well after lots of contemplating I realized (once again) that I think too much.  Thought and dreams are wonderful, but without action they don’t mean much.  So my note book full of ideas is just that- a notebook of ideas.  Even when I do begin to implement my new plan, I either fall of the wagon or over analyze the situation so much that I talk my self out of it.

So for real this time! I’m going to get myself organized and together.

Much Love,  Reneca